Capture an area of your desktop as an animated GIF.
One great feature is you can also move the frame while you are recording. Download Shady for Mac to puts a shade over your screen to help soothe your tired or dazzled eyes. lcf - You can adjust the frame to adjust the screen size/window you want to capture.

You can record screen and save them as. LICEcap is released under GPL, a free software, download pkg includes the source. Open the resulting link, and use/save the resulting GIF. Some features of LICECap Screen Capture App. View and contribute on GitHub macOS 10.12 or later required. Since Slack is usually open on my desktop, I go to a discreet user/channel (like my or use the GIPHY slash command ( /giphy), followed by the caption hashtag option ( #caption), the caption in quotes ( ""), followed by a search term or a link to a GIF. An open-source screen recorder built with web technology.
⁺Best free tool for creating GIFs from Live Photos on your iPhone…that you can easily send to people (smaller file size): GIPHY Cam (note: Live Photos appear to import in reverse (mirror-image), so it’s worth converting the Live Photo to a movie clip in another app, like Google’s Motion Stills app)īest free tool for creating GIFs in mobile overall: GIPHY Cam (iOS and Android) (note: Android version has trouble linking to video folder iOS version appears to have issues with Live Photos importing in reverse, as mentioned above)īest free tool for creating captioned GIFs: GIPHY Slack App (I find myself going straight to Slack if I want to caption a GIF before sending. LICEcap is a downloadable free software for Mac & PC and Linux (work with Wine) which can capture an area of your screen and save it directly to an. gif extension in the name it doesn't get added automatically and seems to cause the recording to fail otherwise. It’s very useful when you can’t easily share a video file, or. In System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy tab > Full Disk Access sidebar option: unlock the panel and click + to add a new entry for the LICEcap application. YouTube) and other GIFs on a desktop (Mac): GIF Brewery (by Gyfcat) īest free tool for capturing interactions, and other motion directly from your desktop (Mac) display: GIPHY Capture (formerly GifGrabber) īest free tool for creating GIFs from Live Photos on your iPhone⁺: Motion Stills (by Google) Windows and MacOS: LICEcap is a simple app for recording a portion of your screen and saving it to a GIF. I agree with most of the suggestions listed above, but would add a few thoughts…īest free tool for fine-tuning video files, links to videos (e.g. LICEcap simple animated screen capture tool for Windows and OS X - GitHub - justinfrankel/licecap: LICEcap simple animated screen capture tool for Windows.

The best way to answer this question is with another question - what type of GIF are you trying to create?